Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra recently found themselves into hot water, when actor-producer and NRI businessman, Sachiin Joshi went to the court way and lodged a criminal complaint against the two on the grounds of cheating and luring him with their ‘Satyug Gold Scheme’, of which they were ex-directors. FYI, Satyug Gold Scheme was launched around 2014. Well, a new update with regards to the same is that Raj Kundra has now responded and cleared the air around the levelled accusations. Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra Become Proud Parents to a Baby Girl via Surrogacy, Name Her ‘Samisha’ (See Pic).
Kundra in his statement said, "Just stating facts to correct a false narrative that's doing rounds in the media. This is with reference to the news about a complaint filed by an NRI for losses suffered, following an investment in Satyug Gold Pvt Ltd. Firstly and most importantly, Shilpa and I have received no such complaint as claimed by the gentleman in question. The website has all the relevant details and contact information for those who want their queries answered. With all the assistance we've made available, it is quite underhanded to say that there was no remedy. "I would request the media to perform a cursory fact check before publishing information and not be an accessory in misleading viewers and readers," he added.
As per an IANS report, Sachiin claimed that under Satyug Gold Scheme's five-year plan, the buyer was given a ‘Satyug Gold Card’ at a discounted price and guaranteed a gold redeemable after a tenure of five years. But when Joshi tried to redeem his assets he came to know that the company was shut. We wonder, who is right and who is wrong here? For more updates on the story, stay tuned!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 06, 2020 02:48 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website