If there's one actor who's aced the action space in Bollywood in recent times, it is Tiger Shroff. The actor is best known for his dancing and action skills, both of which require immense physical strength and flexibility, something that Shroff is highly gifted in. The actor is known for throwing the most perfect air kicks and inspires many kids, in particular, to take up gymnastics. It seems that Shroff has also left an amazing impression on Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra's son Viaan. The seven-year-old already seems to be learning from the best and in a recent video shared by his father, was seen nailing backflips. Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra Indulge In 'Mahabharat' At Home, Courtesy, Their Son! (Watch Funny Video).

It seemed to be a special moment for Viaan who is a fan of Tiger Shroff to pull off some backflips in front of his idol. Raj Kundra took to Instagram to share a video of his son Viaan training with Tiger. Sharing the video, Kundra wrote, "My little tiger Viaan with his inspiration and idol @tigerjackieshroff." While the video received a lot of love from Shroff's fans, Tiger also left an amazing comment on the post as he wrote, "My bro is next level."

Check Out the Video Here:

It certainly was a special moment for Viaan who seemed to be enjoying learning from the best. Tiger has been known to pull off excellent action in films such as the Baaghi franchise and one of the main reasons for it has been his ability to throw air kicks and backflips with such ease. International Dance Day 2020: Hrithik Roshan, Madhuri Dixit, Tiger Shroff And Other Bollywood Stars Who Dance Only To Steal Hearts! (Watch Videos).

Viaan Kundra has been recently featuring in fun TikTok videos with his parents Shilpa and Raj. The couple recently shot a funny TikTok video inspired by epic Mahabharat.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 29, 2020 11:22 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).