Shikara claimed to be the telling story of Kashmiri Pandit's mass exodus in 1990. But the audience didn't find it as engrossing or gut-wrenching as the situation was. Today, Kangana Ranaut in a video, post landing in Mumbai, announced that she will make a movie on Kashmiri Pandits. That has irked the writer of Vidhu Vinod Chopra's Shikara, Rahul Pandita. In two Twitter posts, he made his displeasure evident by saying that a demolished wall won't help her feel the pain of the KPs. Vidhu Vinod Chopra Hits Out at People Criticising Shikara, Says Those Accusing Him of Commercialising the Plight of Kashmiri Pandits Are ‘Donkeys’

Pandita roars that people like him won't be 'pawns' to satisfy puny egos. He also said that the next day, she will get hurt in the finger and will say she understands the pain of Kashmiri Pandits. He is surely enraged by Ranaut's yet another announcement.

We feel Pandita's pain here for sure.

We hope Kangana's movie will have everything that was apparently being omitted from Shikara. Hopefully, it won't commercialise the pain of KPs, that's what Shikara was accused of. Just saying...

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 09, 2020 06:03 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website