Sunday luncheon was extra special for the Akhtar family as they gathered to celebrate Father's Day together. Veteran actress Shabana Azmi took to her Instagram account to share a video from her family special lunch outing and we must say, it has tempted us enough to ditch all our diet plans. While Zoya Akhtar was missing from the scenario, Farhan accompanied his father and was joined by his ladylove, Shibani Dandekar. The duo was seated next to each other while they enjoyed some lip-smacking delicacies. Farhan Akhtar Turns Cameraman and Assists Girlfriend Shibani Dandekar As She Cooks Mushroom Pasta for Him (Watch Video).
Shibani has become an integral part of Farhan's family. From attending his family gatherings to visiting Shabana Azmi while she was hospitalised, the Shaandaar actress is always there by her beau's side and it's truly heart-melting. We wonder if the occasion was actually Father's Day celebration or simply a fam-jam planned to celebrate a normal Sunday. Shibani's presence at his family outings has often raised curiosity about their pending nuptials and if sources close to the couple is to believe, their wedding is currently being planned for the year-end. Farhan Khan Shares a Happy Picture with Shibani Dandekar as the Couple Celebrates their Second Dating Anniversary (View Pic).
Check Out the Video From their Fam-Jam
"The plan is to get married towards the year-end, after the release of Farhan's next, Toofan. But they might spring a surprise by tying the knot earlier than that. The final date is yet to be decided but Farhan and Shibani have begun preparations for the big day," said the same source in his earlier conversation with Mumbai Mirror. While the couple has always prefered staying mum on the topic, here's hoping the lunch was, in fact, a meeting to discuss and draw out their wedding plan.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 22, 2020 01:27 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website