Actor Shahnawaz Pradhan, a known face in television and Bollywood, has passed away on February 17. The actor was admitted at a hospital in Mumbai after suffering from a cardiac arrest where he breathed his last. He had appeared in shows like Dekh Bhai Dekh, Alif Laila, Byomkesh Bakshi, Bandhan Saat Janamon Ka, 24 among others, and in movies like Pyaar Koi Khel Nahin, Phantom and Raees. Lalita Lajmi Dies At 90; Eminent Artist and Guru Dutt's Sister Was Part of Aamir Khan's Taare Zameen Par.
Actor Shahnawaz Pradhan passed away around 9 p.m. today in Bombay. May his soul rest in peace.
— Komal Nahta (@KomalNahta) February 17, 2023
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