Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput are not in Mumbai and are observing their quarantine in Punjab since the lockdown was imposed across the country. The couple along with their kids, Misha and Zain and his parents - Pankaj Kapoor and Supriya Pathak are currently quarantining at the Radha Soami Satsang Dera in Beas and they have no qualms about it. In fact, they are actively helping with daily chores without getting any celebrity treatment in return. Shahid Kapoor Cooks Pancakes for Wife Mira and She Is Floored (See Pics).
As per a report in SpotboyE, they are living a very simple life without throwing in any tantrums. A source who's also staying at the same ashram informed the portal about Shahid's stay by saying, "Shahid and Mira are not following any celebrity lifestyle here. In fact, the two actively participate in all the daily chores right from cooking to washing utensils. Mira also makes sure that her kids are also with her when the couple is doing the work to learn a simple and independent way of living." The portal also shared a video of the couple from the ashram where they were seen eating prasad. Mira's grandparents own a house there and that's where the Kapoors have been staying these days. Mira Rajput Takes a ‘Sweet Revenge’ for Shahid Kapoor’s ‘Sexy Sexy’ Video With This Unseen Poster (View Pic).
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Both Shahid and Mira's families are staunch followers of Radha Soami and that's how they got to know each other. Probably that's the reason why the actor hasn't been very active with his interviews these days. While his contemporaries are busy speaking with various media portals, Sasha is enjoying his quiet life, while staying away from his work as much as possible.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 03, 2020 06:24 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website