Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming film Dunki is creating buzz with each passing day courtesy its ‘Dunki Drops’. After three assets, the makers of the film have released ‘Dunki Drop 3’ in the form of a new song titled “Nikle The Kabhi Hum Ghar Se.” Dunki Drop 2 'Lutt Putt Gaya' Song Starring Shah Rukh Khan and Taapsee Pannu Hits 30 Million Views on YouTube in a Day's Span!

The song composed by Pritam, has been sung by veteran singer Sonu Nigam, and it paints a nostalgic picture with a yearning to return to the homeland to end the life on the soil where it once started. The song weaves a captivating narrative, adding another layer of emotion to an endearing film that narrates a heart-warming tale of four friends and their pursuit to reach foreign shores. The song starts on a very atmospheric note as Sonu makes a stunning entry with his vocals rendering magic to the lyrics of veteran lyricist Javed Akhtar.

Watch Dunki Song Nikle The Hum Kabhi Ghar Se

Sonu, being the master of expressions in the vocal arena, keeps the vocals soft and heartfelt. The percussion section is electronically arranged with a slight reverb on the last beat. Drawn from real-life stories, Dunki is a saga of love and friendship that stitches together wildly disparate stories, providing both hilarious and heart-breaking answers to the challenges faced by its characters. The song, “Nikle The Kabhi Hum Ghar Se '' narrates the longing felt by Hardy, Manu, Buggu, and Balli to see their home and loved ones as they embark on a life-changing journey in the film.


Dunki, directed by superstar director Rajkumar Hirani, also stars Boman Irani, Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, Vikram Kochhar, and Anil Grover, along with Shah Rukh Khan. A JIO Studios, Red Chillies Entertainment, and Rajkumar Hirani Films presentation, produced by Rajkumar Hirani and Gauri Khan Written by Abhijat Joshi, Rajkumar Hirani, and Kanika Dhillon, Dunki is slated to release in cinemas on December 21, 2023.


(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 01, 2023 02:40 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website