Whenever Shah Rukh Khan posts selfies on his social media, it is mostly with his kids or sometimes the whole family or with his co-stars. Coming to think of it, we hardly see a selfie of his that has him posing with his wife, Gauri. Isn't his better half a selfie fan? Well, things have come to change in this matter, as Shah Rukh Khan posts, in his own confession, the first selfie with his wife in years. And it looks like there is a reason why it took so much time for him to do so.

Let's talk about that picture first. Like, anything Shah Rukh Khan clicks with his family, it is goddamn adorable! Both Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri are seen wearing shades and exuding enough swag to make us root for a new version of the Kaala Chashma song featuring these two. Hoping to see more selfies from him with Gauri, of course, approves by her.

Now let's talk about the delay. So apparently, Gauri seems not to be a fan of the selfies that her hubby takes. No, we aren't saying that; it's what King Khan himself has to say on the matter. Check out his tweet below -

Shah Rukh Khan will be next seen in Zero, his own production that is directed by Aanand L Rai. Playing a vertically challenged man in the movie, it has him opposite Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma. Zero is scheduled to release on December 21.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 08, 2018 09:13 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).