Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding on July 12 was a spectacular reunion, bringing together top Bollywood and some Hollywood celebrities in traditional and elegant attire. The grand event was the talk of the town, and now two viral videos have captured everyone’s attention: Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan dancing together with Nita Ambani, reminiscent of their iconic ‘Karan Arjun’ days as they dance to "Bhangra Paale" track. Another heartwarming clip shows Nita Ambani dancing with Shah Rukh Khan, further enhancing the magical atmosphere of the star-studded celebration. It was a moment that truly felt like a classic Bollywood reunion. Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan Shine in Regal Attire at Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant’s Wedding (Watch Video).

Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan At Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant's Wedding

Nita Ambani Dancing With Shah Rukh Khan 

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