Samrat Prithviraj starring Akshay Kumar, Manushi Chhillar in major roles is all set to release in theatres on June 3. Helmed by Chandraprakash Dwivedi and produced by Yash Raj Films, the Delhi High Court on June 1 disposed plea against Akshay Kumar's film for allegedly depicting him as a Rajput King. Just before a week of the flick's release, title of the film was changed from Prithviraj to Samrat Prithviraj because of PIL issued by Rajput Karni Sena. Samrat Prithviraj Trailer 2: Akshay Kumar as the Courageous King Is All Set for an Epic Battle (Watch Video).
The synopsis of the movie reads, "Based on Prithviraj Raso the film tells the story of the Rajput warrior and king Prithviraj Chauhan of Chauhan dynasty, who clashes with Muhammad Ghori, a ruler from the Ghurid dynasty who led the Islamic Conquest of Hindustan." So, if you are planning to watch Samrat Prithviraj on big screens, here's everything you want to know about the flick just in case. Samrat Prithviraj: Delhi HC Disposes Plea Against Akshay Kumar, Manushi Chhillar’s Film for Allegedly Depicting Him as a Rajput King.
Samrat Prithviraj stars Akshay Kumar and Manushi Chhillar in key roles. Apart from them, the flick also sees Sanjay Dutt, Sonu Sood, Manav Vij, Ashutosh Rana and Sakshi Tanwar in supporting roles.
Samrat Prithviraj, the historical drama is inspired from Prithviraj Raso, a Braj language epic poem about the life and journey of Prithviraj Chauhan, a Rajput king from the Chahamana dynasty.
Watch Samrat Prithviraj Trailer:
Release Date
Akshay Kumar, Manushi Chhillar’s historical-action drama Samrat Prithviraj was earlier postponed several times due to COVID-19 pandemic. Now, the movie is finally scheduled to open in cinemas on June 3, 2022. Prithviraj Is Now Samrat Prithviraj: Akshay Kumar, Manushi Chhillar’s Period Drama Gets a New Title.
How to Book Samrat Prithviraj Movie Tickets Online?
Samrat Prithviraj movie tickets can be booked by BookMyShow or Paytm for any theatre or cinema hall near you. You can also check Amazon Pay for the period drama's tickets.
Samrat Prithviraj reviews are out. Click here to read what Prathamesh Jadhav of LatestLY has to say on Akshay Kumara and Manushi Chhillar’s film.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 01, 2022 02:30 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website