Salman Khan recently wrapped the shooting of his next, Dabangg 3, that is slated to hit the screens on December 20, 2019. However, the buzz around his Eid 2020 release refuses to die and if recent reports are to believe, the makers have even zeroed down a title for the same. No, it's not titled 'Radhe' and Salman had even clarified the same. But it may be in fact titled, 'India’s Most Wanted Cop: Radhe'. As per a report in Mumbai Mirror, Sohail Khan has already registered the film's title with Indian Motion Pictures Producers Association (IMPPA) and it could be for his brother's next. Dabangg 3: Salman Khan Introduces Kiccha Sudeep's 'Balli' as the Villain on Dussehra.
While some believed if the movie is an official remake of a Korean movie, Veteran, others insist it's based on a third adaptation, of the 2017 Korean film, The Outlaws, which is about a cop assigned with the task of finishing underworld gang clashes in the city. Interestingly, the actor played a similar role in Wanted where he was an undercover cop trying to end underworld's different operations. Salman Khan Taking a Dip in a River With a Bunch of Kids Is the Cutest Thing You’ll See on the Internet Today! (View Pics).
Salman was earlier collaborating with Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Alia Bhatt for Inshallah. However, the project was shelved due to unknown reasons and the slot for the Eid 2020 release was open once again. After few discussing sessions with his team, the actor finally picked Prabhdeva as the director of his next and their collaboration is expected to hit the screens during the festival that is now synonymous with Salman's name.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 10, 2019 08:40 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website