In a major turn of events, a bailable arrest warrant against Salman Khan got cancelled by Mumbai court. This warrant was in regards with 2002 hit and run case. The court had issued the warrant against the actor for not furnishing the surety as per the directions of the top court. The Race 3 actor attended Additional Sessions with Judge MG Deshpande and completed all the formalities of furnishing the surety. Post this, the warrant was cancelled against the 52-year-old Bollywood superstar.
Salman Khan had appealed to Bombay High Court against his conviction but was aquitted later. However, he had to furnish surety of Rs 25,000, after Maharashtra Government appealed against his acquittal. The actor then approached the Supreme Court seeking discharge of his surety given by his former publicist Reshma Shetty. Instead, he maintained that he wanted to replace it with the surety of his bodyguard Shera.
In December 2015, Khan was acquitted of all the charges against him in the hit and run case due to lack of proper evidence. He got acquitted after seven months after the case. In 2002, Salman Khan was accused of running his car over some people sleeping on a pavement out of which one was killed. The trail court had declared a jail term of 5 years in this case.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 21, 2018 10:04 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website