Salman Khan's next big release after Bharat will be Arbaaz Khan directorial Dabangg 3 which is slated to hit the screens on December 20, 2019. But before all that, looks like the Bhai of Bollywood was in a mood to chill in the pool... oops, we mean river. It so happened that Salman on October 9 took to his social media and shares a post which will bring a smile on your face. In the picture, the actor is seen having a gala time taking a dip in a river with kids. Dabangg 3 New Promo: Chulbul Pandey Needs No 'Salman Khan' to Promote His Film! (Watch Video).
We are so impressed with Salman here as that despite having a busy schedule (Bigg Boss and work commitments), the actor knows how to enjoy each moment in life. Salman captioned the photo as, “Paani k gote lagaye aapke Bhai ne kal, kaaafi cool baccho k saath! Dharti maa ka aadar sammaan hamesha sar aankhon pe...” And yes, Salman has gone shirtless inside the river. Dabangg 3 New Promo: Chulbul Pandey Needs No 'Salman Khan' to Promote His Film! (Watch Video).
Check Out The Post Featuring Salman Khan and Kids Below:
Talking about Dabangg 3, the excitement around the film is way too high as this will be Chulbul Pandey’s backstory. We all saw how the stylish cop wooed his ‘Rajjo’ (Sonakshi Sinha) and his married life with her in the first two installments. Now, the third installment will tell us his story from being an ordinary man to a powerful policeman. The film is a prequel in this franchise. Which means the story goes back in time and will trace the journey of Chulbul Panday before he met Sonakshi. Directed by Prabhudeva, Dabangg 3 is expected to end this year with a bang and we have no doubt about this.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 09, 2019 05:26 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website