And Salman Khan is back to playing the Godfather to debutants in the industry yet again. The actor, who has many protégés under his wing till date, has taken in ex-girlfriend Katrina Kaif’s sister Isabelle Kaif as well and has been paying attention to her B-Town career even before it takes off. Mirror reports that Isabelle’s film with yet another Salman Khan protégé, Aditya Pancholi and Zarina Wahab’s son Sooraj Pancholi, titled Time To Dance has gotten the superstar’s approval, albeit, with a few changes. Salman Khan to Recreate O Oh Jaane Jaana for Katrina Kaif's Sister Isabelle Kaif in Movie 'Time to Dance'

It is being said that Salman has seen Time To Dance and is impressed with both Isabelle and Sooraj, but suggested a few changes to be made. And from what we hear, the changes will definitely be incorporated, for they are coming from the master of blockbusters himself. Deepika Padukone Takes a Dig on Salman Khan for His ‘Luxury of Depression’ Statement


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Cause somehow he gets all the good pictures @soorajpancholi #timetodance

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Recently, it was also reported that Isabelle will be debuting with her film Kwatha opposite Salman Khan’s brother-in-law Aayush Sharma, which means that the release of Time to Dance has been pushed back. Time to Dance, is being helmed by Stanley D’Costa and has been shot in London. It is being said that both Sooraj and Isabelle went through gruelling dancing classes to hone their skills.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 05, 2019 09:10 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website