The team of Bharat went live on Twitter to share details about the upcoming flick. Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif have answered to the questions asked by their fans on social media platform. There were numerous questions raised by fans and one of them was related to the stand-up comedian, Sunil Grover. The question to Salman was, “How was your experience working with “comedian” Sunil Grover?’. When Sunil was referred as a “comedian”, Salman not just said ‘bechara’ but he mentioned, “He is one of the most talented actors.” Bharat Song Chashni: Salman Khan-Katrina Kaif’s ‘Mithi Mithi’ Chemistry in This Romantic Number Wins Our Hearts! (Watch Video).
We saw glimpse of Sunil Grover alongside Salman Khan in the trailer of Bharat. His comic timing was on point as always. He would be seen playing a key role in the film. Talking about working Sunil in Bharat the handsome hunk stated, “Sunil is one of the most talented actors that I’ve seen so far. He doesn’t do mimicry, he just gets into the character, and he just plays the character. So if you see him in his Guthi and as Dr. Mashoor Gulati (Sunil’s role in The Kapil Sharma Show), the way he imitates Mr. Bachchan or Dharamji, he is not just hitting below the below, he is not trying to comedy, he is actually a fan of theirs and he plays their character to the T. And I think he is one of the most talented people that I have ever come across, till the time he met me.” Katrina Kaif and Salman Khan Did Not Hang Out or Chat on the Sets of Bharat – Here’s Why.
Watch the team talking about their film, Bharat
#TeamBharatOnTwitter is now Live! Thank you for all your questions, watch to find out if we pick yours!
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) May 3, 2019
Even Katrina Kaif showered praises about Sunil Grover’s work on the sets of Bharat. She says, “He is really an incredibly knowledgeable person (of course he is funny).” Ms. Kaif also said, “He is a wonderful person to just spend time with.” This is the first time that we’ll get to watch Sunil Grover sharing screen space with the lead pair of Bharat. The film is all set to release on June 5.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 03, 2019 12:42 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website