Salman Khan's blackbuck poaching case has become the talk of the nation. Since Bollywood's bhai has been convicted in the case, the fans and the celebs have flooded the social media with their opinions. The Dabangg Khan spent a night in the jail and the details of it are going viral. Just when everyone thought that Khan might be out on bail today after the decision on his plea for the same, it turns out that the decision has postponed for Saturday morning, 10.30 am. Not only he will have to spend one more night behind the bars but he might also not get bail on the following day as well!
According to the reports in News 18, Tiger Zinda Hai actor's bail order has not been reserved for tomorrow. In fact, as the proceedings will start tomorrow the judge will go through the documents and then both Defence and Prosecution will argue. It is then, when the final decision on his bail will be out. This definitely has leveled up the chances of bhai spending two more nights in the jail.
Meanwhile, the Bollywood celebs have gone all out of their ways to extend support to the Race 3 actor. From film-stars like Varun Dhawan, Rani Mukerji to TV stars like Bandgi Kalra, Shilpa Shinde, everybody is sending love and wishes to the 52-year-old actor. Recently, his extremely close friend and co-star Preity Zinta rushed to Jodhpur to meet him.
The Being Human owner will be staying in the same jail where other high profile convicts like Asaram Bapu, Shambhulal Regar ,Malkhan Singh Vishnoi are staying. Stay tuned here for more updates.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 06, 2018 02:05 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website