Bollywood celebs are always up for the festive bashes. After grooving together during the wedding season of this year, they are now enjoying last festive day of the year which is Christmas 2018. Like every year, Salman Khan hosted a bash for the near and dear ones from the tinsel town and you can only expect entertainment from his bashes. In a recently posted video, you can see him dancing on a dais along with his actor-brothers Arbaaz Khan and Sohail Khan. Taimur Ali Khan Does Not Know How To React While Listening to Zahan Kapoor Playing Guitar! (Watch Hilarious Video).

We have seen these brothers sharing screen space with each other before but watching their bonding off-screen is a totally different thing. The trio was seen grooving stylishly on the music and enjoying the Christmas eve like no one's business!

Watch Salman, Sohail and Arbaaz dancing!


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Merry Xmas to all....

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His bash saw who's who from the tinsel town including Katrina Kaif, Karan Johar and his twins Yash-Roohi, Tusshar Kapoor and his son Lakkshya, Shabbir Ahluwalia-Kanchi with their kids, Aayush Sharma and Arpita Sharma, Helen to name a few. Also, snapped was Arbaaz's current girlfriend Giorgia Andriani who graced the bash looking pretty.

Speaking of other Christmas bashes in the town, Katrina Kaif held a small party for her colleagues. Alia Bhatt was snapped in a cute Christmas themed outfit while Ranbir headed to attend Kunal Kapoor's Christmas bash. Also, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan celebrated the day with Pataudi family and Kapoor family. We would love to see more of such inside videos from these starry bashes, won't you?

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 26, 2018 12:08 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website