In mid-August, veteran actor Dilip Kumar’s brothers, Ehsan Khan and Aslam Khan, were admitted to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital. Ehsan (90) and Aslam (88) were hospitalised after they complained of breathless and the latter passed away on August 21 due to multiple organ failure. In an interview with a leading portal, Saira Banu shared details about Ehsan Khan’s health condition. She has urged everyone to pray for his speedy recovery. Dilip Kumar’s Younger Brother Aslam Khan Passes Away.

Saira Banu revealed that Ehsan Khan is still in critical condition. She told ETimes, “Pray for Ehsan bhai, who’s struggling in the ICU. He's breathless. I hope he goes back home fine.” She also expressed how difficult it Is for the family to cope up with Aslam Khan’s demise. She mentioned, “It is so unfortunate that Aslam bhai succumbed to the Coronavirus; we really don't know how to cope with this loss. May Allah rest him in peace.” She also revealed that Aslam Khan’s burial was attended only by family members and close friends. Dilip Kumar's Brothers Ehsan and Aslam Khan Test Positive For COVID-19, Admitted To Lilavati Hospital.

Both Ehsan Khan and Aslam Khan were tested positive for coronavirus. Many even assumed that these brothers stayed with Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu. About it the veteran actress clarified saying that Aslam and Ehsan were not living with them, but stayed separately with their sister Farida.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 23, 2020 01:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website