Saif Ali Khan was brutally stabbed multiple times in a courageous attempt to protect his family from a burglar at their Bandra residence. The actor sustained six stab wounds, two of which are considered critical due to their proximity to his spine. At the time of the horrifying incident, Saif’s wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and their young sons, Taimur and Jeh, were at home. The burglar allegedly broke into their apartment at Satguru Sharan in Bandra, initially attacking the house help before turning on Saif when he confronted him. A forensic officer has confirmed that the team has successfully gathered fingerprints from the crime scene. Investigations are ongoing, with Mumbai Police officials now focusing on the floor polishing workers in the building, as suspects. Saif Ali Khan Health Update: Actor ‘Out of Danger’ After Stabbing Incident; Lilavati Hospital Doctors Closely Monitoring His Recovery – Read Official Statement (Watch Video).

A forensic officer confirmed the collection of evidence, stating, “Hum fingerprint department se hai. Fingerprints mil chuke hai. Ab aage k process hamare senior bataenge. (We are from the fingerprint department. The fingerprints have been obtained. The next steps will be guided by our seniors).” Meanwhile, Mumbai Police are investigating the individuals involved, and reports suggest that Saif’s attacker may be connected to one of the house staff, who is suspected of granting him access to the actor's home. Saif Ali Khan Stabbing: Arvind Kejriwal Lashes Out at BJP-Led Centre After Attack on Actor, Says ‘Double-Engine Government Neither Can Provide Good Governance nor Safety’ (Watch Video).

Statement from Official on Evidence Collected

Saif Ali Khan Health Update

A statement issued by the actor’s team confirmed that Saif Ali Khan is ‘out of danger’. It read, “Saif Ali Khan has come out of surgery and is out of danger. He is currently in recovery and the doctors are monitoring his progress. All family members are safe and the police is investigating the incident.”

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 16, 2025 02:49 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website