Bollywood's good-looking lad Ranbir Kapoor celebrates his birthday on September 28, 2020. While his crazy fans have been showering the Sanju actor with wishes on social media, the special one always comes from the family right? And well, we are here talking about the dashing birthday boy's sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni who took to her Instagram and shared a post dedicating to Ranbir as he turns 38. In the post, we see throwback pics of Ranbir with his family and near and dear ones. We also see a glimpse of Alia Bhatt in the photos. Ranbir Kapoor Birthday: Here's Why Dismissing Ranbir Kapoor As A Nepo Kid Is Wrong!
Well, not just Alia, Riddhima's collage wish for Ranbir also sees late father Rishi Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, Shaheen Bhatt, Riddhima's daughter Samara Sahni and her husband Bharat Sahni. She captioned the post, "Happiest bday AWESOMENESS! Love you so much." Also not to miss the different shades of the Ranbir in each picture. All in all, quite a cute sisterly love. Ranbir Kapoor's Debut OTT Venture To Be an Assassin Series?
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Happiest bday AWESOMENESS! Love you so much ❤️ #mybabybrother❤️ #38andfab
Not just the collage, Riddhima has also been on this Instagram story sharing spree where she has been posting many photos of RK to wish him on the D-day. Now, we wait for Ranbir's beau Alia Bhatt to wish her man. On the work front, the birthday boy will be next seen in Ayan Mukerji's Brahmastra. Stay tuned!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 28, 2020 08:39 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website