Bollywood actress Richa Chadha has taken a dig at world leaders while blaming China, without naming the country, for the spread of the novel coronavirus that has paralysed the economy of the entire world. In a Twitter post on Saturday, Richa has asked if all the world leaders were cowards and why was no country doing anything to help India. "Ek desh pure duniya mein dardnaak bimari failata hai, lakhon jaane jaati hai, pure vishwa ki arthvyavastha tod deta hai, raton raat kayee European companies ke share khareedta hai, bimari ki aad mein Hong Kong, Vietnam, Japan ke saath bhi badluki karta hai, phir humare nihatthe sainikon ko mar deta hai Galwan mein (a country spreads a painful disease all over the world, lakhs of lives are lost. India-China Face-Off: Salman Khan Expresses Grief Over The Loss Of 20 Indian Martyrs Who Lost Their Lives In Ladakh’s Galwan Valley (View Tweet)
The tweet further read 'destroys the economy of the entire world, buys shares of several European companies overnight, misbehaves with Hong Kong, Vietnam and Japan under the guise of disease, then kills our unarmed soldiers in Galwan)," tweeted Richa Chadha in Hindi. "Humein dusri baar seema par ladne par majboor karta hai... aur puri duniya kuchh nahi kehti? Kyon log is desh see darte hain? Kyon baaki sare desh ekjut ho kuchh nahi karte? Kya duniya ke sabhi leader darpok hai? Mere nana azaadi ki ladai aur 1962 mein lade they. India-China Face-Off in Ladakh: Kareena Kapoor Khan, Katrina Kaif Pay Tribute to Martyred Soldiers With Heartfelt Posts.
Richa Chadha Questions World Leaders For Being Silent on Galwan Valley Clash
...हमें दूसरी बार सीमा पर लड़ने पर मजबूर करता है... और पूरी दुनिया कुछ नहीं कहती? क्यूँ लोग इस देश से डरते हैं? क्यूँ बाक़ी सारे देश एकजुट हो कुछ नहीं करते! क्या दुनिया के सभी लीडर डरपोक हैं? मेरे नाना आज़ादी की लड़ाई और 1962 में लड़े थे... बहुत अझेल है आज का सच।
— TheRichaChadha (@RichaChadha) June 20, 2020
Richa Chadha Raises Right Question Against China
एक देश पूरे दुनिया में दर्दनाक बीमारी फैलाता है, लाखों जाने जाती है, पूरे विश्व की अर्थव्यवस्था तोड़ देता है, रातों रात कई European कम्पनीज़ के शेयर ख़रीदता है, बीमारी की आड़ में होंगकोंग,वीयट्नाम,जापान के साथ भी बदलूकी करता है, फिर हमारे निहत्थे सेनिको को मार देता है गलवान में..
— TheRichaChadha (@RichaChadha) June 20, 2020
Bohut ajhel hai aj ka such (they have forced us to fight at the border for the second time... and the rest of the world says nothing? Why are people scared of this country? Why do the rest of the countries do nothing together? Are all world leaders cowards? My maternal grandfather fought for our freedom and fought in the 1962 war. Today's reality is intolerable)," the actress mentioned in a separate tweet. "Wonder if people will even be motivated to join the forces anymore," Richa wrote in a separate tweet ,replying to a user.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 20, 2020 06:29 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website