Rhea Chakraborty has shared a video on Instgram, the one that is from her building complex, in which her father Indrajit Chakraborty is seen being thronged around by media personnel. The actress mentions in her post that she and her family members are trying to cooperate with the investigating agencies over Sushant Singh Rajput's death probe. She also states that ‘There is a threat to my life and my family’s life’. In the video, the media personnel is seen trying to ask numerous questions to her father and trying to get his picture. Through this post, Rhea has also urged the Mumbai Police to provide protection for the safety of her family members so that they can cooperate with the investigating agencies. Sushant Singh Rajput’s Father KK Singh Demands CBI Arrest for ‘Murderer’ Rhea Chakraborty, Says ‘She Fed My Son with Poison’ (Watch Video).

Rhea Chakraborty writes in her post, “This is inside my building compound , The man in this video is my father Indrajit chakraborty ( retd . army officer ) We have been trying to get out of our house to cooperate with ED , CBI and various investigation authorities to cooperate .There is a threat to my life and my family’s life . We have informed the local police station and even gone there , no help provided . We have informed the investigation authorities to help us get to them , no help arrived . How is this family going to live ? We are only asking for assistance , to cooperate with the various agencies that have asked us . I request @mumbaipolice to please provide protection so that we can cooperate with these investigation agencies . #safetyformyfamily In covid times , these basic law and order restrictions need to be provided . Thankyou”. SSR Case: Rhea Chakraborty Was Indulging in Usage and Procurement of Weed Since 2017: Reports.

Rhea Chakraborty Requests Protection From Mumbai Police


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Rhea Chakraborty has shared another video on Twitter in which claims that her building's security guard named Ram was also hurt by the media people who have entered the complex.

Earlier today, Rhea Chakraborty’s brother Showik Chakraborty had arrived at the DRDO guest house at Kalina in Santacruz for questioning by the CBI, shared a police official to PTI. The officer also revealed that today morning Siddharth Pithani was also called by the CBI for the seventh consecutive day for questioning over Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 27, 2020 01:20 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).