A video of veteran actress Rekha hugging actor Agastya Nanda, the grandson of veteran Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan, has gone viral. The video is from the recently held centenary celebrations of the Indian cinema legend Raj Kapoor in Mumbai. The event was organised by the Kapoor family, the first dynasty of the Hindi film industry, and saw stalwarts like Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Neetu Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Karisma Kapoor, and others in attendance. Prior to hugging Big B's grandson, Rekha was seen affectionately looking at the poster of Raj Kapoor at the event. Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan-Saif Ali Khan and Others Come Together for Raj Kapoor’s Centenary Celebrations (See Pics).
Rekha and Big B have a history as the veteran Bollywood megastar was involved in an extra marital affair with Rekha while he was married to Jaya Bachchan. The affair created a huge controversy.
Rekha & Agastya Nanda
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During the same time Amitabh Bachchan was injured on the sets of 'Coolie'. During a fight scene with Puneet Issar, Amitabh mistimed a jump and was accidentally punched in the stomach. The punch caused severe internal injuries. The actor was rushed to a hospital in Bengaluru for emergency surgery. He was then flown to Mumbai and admitted to Breach Candy Hospital, where he was declared clinically dead for a few minutes. Doctors revived him with an adrenaline injection. The senior actor underwent multiple surgeries and was put on a ventilator. It's said that Rekha prayed for Bachchan's recovery. The actor recovered but continued to his treatment. Eventually, Rekha and Big B's romance watered down and he stayed with Jaya Bachchan in the marriage. Alekha Advani Joins Fiancé Aadar Jain and His Family for Raj Kapoor’s Centenary Celebrations (Watch Videos).
Meanwhile, a galaxy of Hindi cinema stars descended in the Andheri West area of Mumbai on Friday. The Kapoor family, the first film dynasty of Hindi cinema, hosted the event as they celebrated the excellence of the family’s patriarch. Bollywood superstar Ranbir Kapoor and his actress wife Alia Bhatt were seen attending the event. Ranbir was seen sporting a moustache, it could possibly be a part of his look from his upcoming movie ‘Love and War’ in which he is set to share the screen with his wife, and his ‘Sanju’ co-star Vicky Kaushal.
While Ranbir wore a black velvet bandhgala with white pajamas, Alia looked stunning in a flowy white saree with a floral print. Ranbir’s mother Neetu Kapoor and his sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni also joined them. Neetu was seen complimenting Alia’s look for the night, while Riddhima chatted with her brother Ranbir before they all came together to pose for pictures.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 14, 2024 12:32 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).