Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone tied the knot in a super-secret wedding ceremony in Italy on November 14 and 15. The couple is only now posting pictures from their wedding, sending the internet into a mushy meltdown in the process. Quite a few celebs too are crushing hard over the lovely pics. The latest celeb to chime in on how awesome Ranveer and Deepika look together is Raveena Tandon.

Raveena Tandon took to her Twitter handle to reveal a big secret about Deepika Padukone to Ranveer Singh. Turns out, Raveena was one of those few industry people who knew about the couple's relationship status and how much Deepika loved Ranveer. Raveena wrote, "Touch wood ! Soo happy! letting you in a secret @RanveerOfficial ,on a long chatty flight with @deepikapadukone a couple of years ago,she said “Ranveer makes me feel I’m home “ I’ll never forget those words,and truly she looks like she’s Home.Godbless you both"

Check out Raveena Tandon's tweet to Ranveer and Deepika here:

Ranveer must be feeling at the top of this world after these words from Raveena. There was a time when Raveena had thrown Ranveer out of a movie set. ICYMI, Ranveer revealed on a recent episode of Koffee with Karan 6 that when he was a kid he went to watch the shooting of a movie which starred Raveena with Akshay Kumar. Being creeped out by how the young Ranveer was staring at her, Raveena asked the security on sets to remove him from there. Nevertheless, Ranveer continued to be a big fan of Raveena Tandon. And the awesome wish sure must have reversed the damage that Raveena had done back then.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 20, 2018 11:49 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).