Actor Priyanshu Painyuli, best known for Vikramaditya Motwane's Bhavesh Joshi Superhero, is set to feature in Rashmi Rocket with Taapsee Pannu, the makers announced on Wednesday. The actor, who recently starred in Netflix series Upstarts, will play an Army officer in the movie. Priyanshu said he is looking forward to working on the film, to be directed by Akarsh Khurana. Taapsee Pannu Signs Rashmi Rocket; Becomes the Actress with Most Number of Sports-Based Movies in Bollywood.
"This is looking like a great year already and hopefully the start of a great decade too. In 'Rashmi Rocket', I will be playing the role of an Army officer in the film. It's a matter of great pride for me. "Since I come from the defence background, playing a man in uniform is both an honour and responsibility. From Haseen Dillruba to Looop Lapeta, Taapsee Pannu’s Film Kitty is Overflowing with as Many as Five New Releases.
It's extremely exciting especially after my last film 'Upstarts', whose universe is so far removed from the world this film is set in," the actor said in a statement. Set in Kutch, Rashmi Rocket will see Taapsee in the title role of a gifted athlete.