Ranveer Singh was spotted outside his physiotherapist's clinic looking all happy and healthy finally. The actor was suffering from a shoulder injury recently while shooting for his next, Gully Boy with Zoya Akhtar and Alia Bhatt. The actor even had to cancel his performance at IPL 2018's opening ceremony at the last moment so he doesn't aggravate the injury. In fact, the actor was spotted wearing an arm sling for the last couple of weeks. Ranveer recently wrapped up shoot for Gully Boy and will start promoting the film pretty soon. We can't wait to watch the trailer of the film already.

Ranveer's fashion outings have always been a talking point among fashionistas and fans. In these pictures, Ranveer is seen wearing an Adidas ensemble and posing with his healed arm. He does look happy and relieved that he won't have to sport an arm sling or go through any of that pain anymore. He even posted a selfie wearing a 'The Notorious BIG' t-shirt and captioned the image, "It’s all good baby baybeh". Well, we're sure it's all good now alright! The actor has more than one reason to celebrate at the moment. He recently also received the Dadasaheb Phalke Award for his portrayal of Alauddin Khilji in Padmaavat. Oh, this is just the beginning for this versatile, marvelous actor. (ALSO READ: Alia Bhatt And Ranveer Singh Spotted At Mumbai's Local Railway Station While Shooting For Gully Boy - View Pic)

Check out these pictures of Ranveer giving us a thumbs up!

The actor reassuring fans that all is well with his arm now!

And this one where he flaunts the good arm:

Honestly, this picture would have looked sexier had he taken off his clothes, if you know what I mean!

This is what the actor posted on Instagram recently:

Ranveer's Gully Boy is based on a real life story. Speaking about his role in the movie, he told IANS, "This is a story that means a lot to me. To tell a story of the youth from the streets of Mumbai, who live a very tough existence and have a lot of battle to fight and they in the battle of life they come out and triumph. They find their inspiration through music and art. The music that is socially relevant. So, it was important for me to also give a platform to all this new talent." What are your thoughts on these pictures? Tell us in the comments below and stay tuned with us for more.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 23, 2018 05:36 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).