Arjun Kapoor's latest film, India's Most Wanted, is getting a good response from the audience. The movie opened in theatres last Friday and has earned Rs 5.13 crore in two days. If the word of mouth picks up, the movie will surely do better in the coming week. And with stalwarts like Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone speaking positively about the movie, the word of mouth has to help. Bollywood's it couple, Deepika and Ranveer, took to their social media pages and shared their thoughts about India's Most Wanted. They had only empowering things to say about their friend, Arjun's film.

Deepika congratulated Arjun on the movie, which she described as 'gripping' and 'entertaining'. She even called it a 'story that needed to be told'. Arjun reshared it on his story and wrote, "Thank you Angie". Angie was Deepika's name in the movie, Finding Fanny, in which she starred alongside Arjun.

Ranveer shared a picture of Arjun from the movie on his IG stories and wrote, "The brooding sleuth. Proud of you, baba"

Check out Deepika and Ranveer's posts about Arjun's India's Most Wanted below:

Deepika and Arjun's Instagram stories (Photo Crdedits: IG)


Check out Arjun Kapoor's reply here:

Arjun's reply to Deepika and Ranveer

On the work front, Arjun Kapoor will be next seen in Sandeep aur Pinky Faraar, a movie directed by Dibaker Banerjee and starring Parineeti Chopra as the female lead. Deepika will be seen in Meghna Gulzar directorial, Chhapaak, in which she plays the role of an acid attack victim. Ranveer will be next seen in the sports drama, '83, a film based on the Indian cricket team's World Cup win in the year 1983, under the Kapil Dev's captaincy.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 26, 2019 06:10 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website