Ranbir Kapoor starrer Sanju has left the fans awestruck. The teaser proved that Mr Kapoor can pull off any character, even that of Sanjay Dutt's! Since the pleasant roller coaster ride that was released by the makers, there has been high anticipation about the trailer. The wait is finally over as we now know the date when this much-awaited trailer will be released. According to a leading entertainment portal, the trailer will be released on May 30.
The idea of RK playing Sanju baba left many of the fans skeptical about the development. Will this lean and handsome, much younger actor than Dutt manage to step into shoes, was the question in everyone's mind. However, the teaser was the answer to all those curious questions and the curiosity about the trailer has sky-rocketed.
Even though most of them were a bit doubtful about the casting earlier, director Rajkumar Hirani was a hundred-percent sure about making Ranbir, the lead. Talking to DNA, he added, "Physically, they’re not similar. Sanju is bigger, but Ranbir is slightly taller than him. He doesn’t seem so, but it is true. Ranbir worked very hard to get the physicality right. He spent days watching tons of videos to strike the right balance and when you observe him in the film, you will notice that there is a resemblance of Sanjay Dutt, yet you know it is Ranbir Kapoor. If he did anything slightly more, it would look caricaturish and if he did a little less, it wouldn’t work."
Well, now that we know when the trailer will be arrive, we are extremely excited to see more shades of Sanjay Dutt through Ranbir's eyes. The biopic is scheduled to release on June 29. Are you excited?
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 24, 2018 03:38 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).