The Rakesh Sharma biopic in the making is one of the most troubled production in recent times. Numerous contrary reports are doing the rounds about the movie, titled Saare Jahan Se Acha, formerly known as Salute. As per the latest report by Filmfare, Ranbir Kapoor has been approached to play the lead role in the film, the titular character of astronaut Rakesh Sharma. It might and might not mean that he has replaced Shah Rukh Khan in the role. Recently, reports claimed that SRK has opted out of the film post the lacklustre response to last released film, Zero.

But, a report by cinestaan, claimed that there is no substance to the rumours about SRK's ouster from the Saare Jahan Se Acha. So, the possibility is that Shah Rukh and Ranbir might both star in the movie, and only one of them play the role of Rakesh Sharma. As we said, the most troubled production in recent times.

Adding to that, let us not forget that Aamir Khan was the first choice to play the role. But he turned it down. In fact, he was the one who suggested SRK's name to the makers.

Also, while we are on the topic, let us also mention that Vicky Kaushal might also have been approached for the role. A report by Bollywood Hungama suggested the same.

At this point, it seems like the makers are in the process of talking to several actors at the same time. They are yet to lock in on a name. We are eagerly waiting to get a concrete update from the makers on Saare Jahan Se Acha.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 03, 2019 10:50 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website