Actress Rakul Preet Singh recently shared a glimpse of her enchanting vacation in London with her husband, actor Jackky Bhagnani. Known for her social media presence, Rakul took to Instagram to offer her followers a peek into their romantic getaway in the British capital. Through a series of pictures and videos, she showcased her fun-filled moments spent with Jackky. One of the photos features the actor posing at a restaurant, where he tagged Rakul and asked, “What say?” Resharing Jackky’s picture on her Instagram story, the Thank God actress simply wrote, “Best.” Varun Dhawan Takes a Freezing Ocean Dip To Start 2025; ‘Baby John’ Actor’s Bold New Year Challenge (Watch Video).
On December 25, Jackky Bhagnani celebrated his birthday with his wife. Rakul also penned a heartfelt birthday message for him, calling him the "best gift Santa could have given her."
Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani’s New Year in London
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In her Instagram post, Rakul shared a series of romantic photos with Jackky and wrote a sweet note: “Happppppy bdayyyy babyyyyy!! You are the best gift Santa could have given me!! You are the best son, best brother, best friend, and best husband. May this year bring all the success and joy you deserve. May you keep smiling always and keep me cracking up with your dry sense of humor forever. Loveeeee you to infinity and beyond @jackkybhagnani.”
In one of the pictures, Rakul was seen planting a kiss on Jackky's cheek, while in another, he sweetly kissed her forehead. Additional photos captured the couple smiling and posing happily together for the cameras.
Meanwhile, Jackky Bhagnani hosted a glamorous birthday party in Mumbai, attended by several celebrities, including Aayush Sharma, Nushrratt Bharuccha, Pragya Jaiswal, and more. Riddhima Kapoor Shares Heartwarming Glimpses of Kapoor Family’s 2025 New Year Celebration in Thailand (View Pics).
On February 21, Singh tied the knot with Bhagnani in a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony in Goa. The couple, who made their relationship Instagram-official in October 2021, celebrated their union with Anand Karaj and Sindhi rituals, followed by a glamorous wedding reception.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 02, 2025 10:58 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website