Raksha Bandhan starring Akshay Kumar, Bhumi Pednekar in major roles is all set to hit the big screens on August 11. Helmed by Aanand L Rai, the story of the family-comedy drama revolves around the bonding of a brother played by Akshay with his sisters. The film is produced by Zee Studios, Colour Yellow Productions and Cape of Good Films. Raksha Bandhan Trailer: Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar’s Film on Bonding Between Brother and Sisters Is Pure Love (Watch Video).
The synopsis of the movie reads, "Lala Kedarnath, the eldest and only brother of 4 sisters, runs a chaat shop that was started by his father. Lala promises his frail mother on her deathbed that he will get married only after he fulfills the responsibility of marrying his sisters into suitable homes first. What follows is Lala's relentless efforts of getting his sisters married while upholding his family values. At the same time, Lala also faces hiccups on the personal front, his romantic life with his childhood love Sapna. However, Lala's commitment to his sisters stands as a huge roadblock for his and Sapna's love story to take off. Understanding the importance of Lala's vow, Sapna decides to wait till his goal is achieved." So, if you are planning to watch Raksha Bandhan on big screens, here's everything you want to know about the flick just in case. Raksha Bandhan Title Track Out! New Song From Akshay Kumar, Bhumi Pednekar’s Film Celebrates Bond Between Siblings (Watch Lyrical Video).
Raksha Bandhan stars Akshay Kumar, Bhumi Pednekar, Sadia Khateeb, Sahejmeen Kaur, Smrithi Srikanth and Deepika Khanna.
Raksha Bandhan unveils the story of an eldest and only brother and his four sisters. The movie will show how the brother played by Akshay continuous gives efforts of getting his sisters married while upholding his family values.
Watch Raksha Bandhan Trailer:
Release Date
Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar-starrer Raksha Bandhan is scheduled to release in theatres on August 11.
How To Book Raksha Bandhan Movie Tickets Online?
Raksha Bandhan movie tickets can be booked by BookMyShow or Paytm for any theatre or cinema hall near you. You can also check Amazon Pay for the family-comedy drama's tickets. Raksha Bandhan Song Kangan Ruby: Akshay Kumar, Bhumi Pednekar’s Track Is Perfect for Family and Wedding Occasions (Watch Video).
The review for Raksha Bandhan are not out yet. LatestLY will update you all as soon as the review of the family drama is out.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 10, 2022 05:28 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).