New Delhi, December 29: Twinkle Khanna, who shares her birthday with her father Rajesh Khanna penned a heartfelt note for her daddy dearest remembering him on his birth anniversary. The 44-year-old author posted a nostalgic and heartwarming birthday wish for her father with a priceless picture of the late legendary actor. "As a toddler, I was convinced that all the truckloads of flowers that would arrive for his birthday were actually for me... #nowandforever," she wrote alongside the picture.
'Mrs Funnybones' who is known to be very close to her father shares heart-touching posts for her dad every year on his birthday. Akshay Kumar too extended his warm wishes for both his wife and his late father-in-law. "While growing up I'd heard fascinating tales of his superstardom, never imagining one day I'll marry his fascinating daughter...thank you for giving me this precious one. Happy birthday to both of you," he tweeted. Rajesh Khanna Birth Anniversary: Revisiting 5 Iconic Films Of India's First Superstar!
As a toddler, I was convinced that all the truckloads of flowers that would arrive for his birthday were actually for me...#NowAndForever
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) December 29, 2018
Rajesh Khanna, born on December 29, 1942, was the first superstar of India and entered Hindi cinema in 1965 when he began shooting for 'Raaz'. He did 180 films, 163 feature films and 17 short films. Rajesh Khanna Birth Anniversary: Twinkle Khanna Pens Heartwarming Note for Her Late Father on Sharing Her Birthday With Him.
While growing up I’d heard fascinating tales of his superstardom, never imagining one day I’ll marry his fascinating daughter...thank you for giving me this precious one❤️ Happy birthday to both of you 😘😘
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) December 29, 2018
He achieved super-stardom with Shakti Samantha's 'Aradhana' (1969). The evergreen actor also made the world record of having 17 successive super-hits in three years from 1969-71 which included 15 consecutive solo super-hit films.