Raj Kapoor, the showman of Bollywood, apparently started his career as a clap boy on the sets of movies produced by Bombay Talkies. From there to become the biggest filmmaker of Indian Cinema, Kapoor has managed unimaginable feats. He started his own banner at the age of 27, now that was unheard of in those days. While the actor in him ensnared people and pleased his fans, his production ventures dwelled in the realities of life. Later, they started becoming a medium to tell stories of women empowerment. But his biggest tragedy probably till date is Mera Naam Joker, his ambitious movie, that nearly cost him everything. He played a joker in the film and it just coincidentally became his first released movie with him the character of a prankster. Raj Kapoor Birth Anniversary Special: Five Milestones Of The Showman Of Bollywood Gave That Beautified Indian Cinema.
Raj Kapoor played a joker in a shelved movie called Behrupiya. He even shot a song for it sung by Manna Dey. A footage of the song has been used in a documentary titled Cinema Cinema. Raj Kapoor's Birth Anniversary: Revisiting Precious Moments From the Legendary Actor's Popular Movies
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If you remember, in the song 'Jeena yaha marna yaha' from Mera Naam Joker, the lyrics does mention "Jag ko hasane bahrupiya roop badal phir aayega."
Cinema Cinema apparently has footages of several shelved movies and you can watch it all on YouTube.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 14, 2021 08:10 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).