Punjabi singer-actor Diljit Dosanjh, who recently wrapped his Dil-Luminati India Tour 2024, met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi on New Year's Day. However, his meeting has drawn criticism from various farmer leaders who questioned the singer's commitment to their cause. They expressed their disappointment over Diljit's meeting with the PM, given his previous acts of support for the farmer's protests. The Punjabi singer, who met PM Modi on January 1, took to his social media handle to share glimpses from their meeting. ‘Yeh Dil Se Baat Nikli Hain’: Diljit Dosanjh Shares Glimpses From His ‘Memorable’ Interaction With PM Narendra Modi in Delhi (Watch Video).
Diljit Dosanjh described his meeting with Modiji as "A fantastic start to 2025", while the PM showered praise on his journey from humble beginnings to international stardom. However, the "Lover" singer's recent actions have invited criticism from the farmer leaders.
Diljit Dosanjh With PM Modi
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Farmer Leaders Criticise Diljit Dosanjh’s Meeting With PM Modi
"If Diljit Dosanjh truly cared about farmers, he would have come and joined us in solidarity with Dallewal ji at the Shambhu border, listened to our concerns and stood by his earlier statements. His meeting with PM Modi raises doubts about his intentions," a farmer leader at the Shambhu border was quoted as saying by ToI.
Diljit Dosanjh’s Support to Farmers Protest
Diljit Dosanjh joined the farmers' protest at the Singhu border in 2020. The "Nain Matakka" singer appealed to the centre to fulfil the demands of the protesters. Speaking at the protests, the actor-singer said, "Hats off to all of you farmers; you have created a new history. This history would be narrated to future generations. Farmers’ issues shouldn’t be diverted by anyone.” He also quietly donated INR 1 crore to buy winterwear for the protesting farmers. Diljit Dosanjh and PM Narendra Modi Discuss India's Grandeur and the Magic of Yoga in Heartfelt Meeting (Watch Video).
Diljit Dosanjh at Farmers’ Protest in Delhi in 2020
Baba Ang Sang Sahai Hove 🙏🏾#FarmersPortest pic.twitter.com/dds8csaLlP
— DILJIT DOSANJH (@diljitdosanjh) December 5, 2020
This was Diljit Dosanjh's first meeting with PM Modi. Diljit, who was quite vocal about his support for the farmers, also received support from other Bollywood celebs,s including Swara Bhasker, Richa Chadha, Taapsee Pannu and Mika Singh.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 03, 2025 03:31 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).