Raid, starring Ajay Devgn, Ileana D'Cruz and Saurabh Shukla, was the solo big ticket Bollywood release of last week. The trailers were interesting and the concept was intriguing. However when the movie came out on Friday, it had a weak start at the box office, making only Rs 10.04 crore on the first day, despite having a A-lister like Ajay Devgn in the cast. Raid also got mixed reviews from the critics.

However, the audience are loving the movie, as Raid showed vast improvement in its collections over the weekend. As per trade analyst Taran Adarsh, the movie has collected over Rs 40 crores in just three days, which is quite an achievement for any movie. Raid has been reportedly made on a budget of Rs 70 crore (which includes its marketing cost), so the movie is yet to be deemed as profitable. But since it is getting a positive word of mouth publicity from the audience, we can expect the movie to have a really good week ahead.

Here's what Taran Adarsh has to say about the movie's weekend collection,

Raid is directed by Raj Kumar Gupta who previously made movies like Aamir, No One Killed Jessica and Ghanchakkar. The movie is based in the '80s and is about a fictional IT raid conducted by a honest officer (Ajay Devgn) at the house of an arrogant, malicious political bigwig (Saurabh Shukla) in Uttar Pradesh. Raid is said to be inspired by two real-life incidents that happened during the eighties.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 19, 2018 03:38 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website