Actress Radhika Apte has decided to shorten her hair. On Sunday, Radhika took to Instagram and posted a selfie in which she is seen flaunting her long locks, revealing it's time to chop their length. "Going to take a pair of scissors and chop the length. I love how long and healthy my hair has grown. But ita¿s time to say goodbye! #detachment ," she captioned the image. Radhika is currently spending time with her husband Benedict Taylor at her home in London. Also, in March, she had detailed her experience about her immigration from India to the UK, during the pandemic. Radhika Apte Shares a Throwback Picture in her Green Polka Dot Bikini and Calling it Hot Would be an Understatement.
"For all the many messages I received from friends and colleagues with concern and curiosity... I'm back in London safely. There was no issue at immigration. It was rather empty and had a wonderful chat with them! The Heathrow express was literally empty and barely anyone at Paddington either." When Radhika Apte Spun a Colourful Travel Fable With This Fashionable Photoshoot!
Check Out Radhika Apte's Instagram Post
"That's all for now! Thank you for all msgs xx Ps. BA flight was full! ?? (though two days ago when I went to India from London it was empty.) More ps. The immigration officers had no information to share regarding UK closing borders yet. #obvs #sillyme #goodtiming #travelinthetimeofcorona," Radhika added.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 17, 2020 07:45 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website