Yash Raj Films on Saturday confirmed the release date of the Salman Khan action-thriller flick Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai as Eid 2020. The makers took to Twitter and shared the news confirming the release date along with a new poster featuring the dapper look of Salman Khan. They captioned the post as, "A Yash Raj Films' Worldwide Release. #Radhe - Your Most Wanted Bhai in cinemas, Eid 2020!" Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai: Teaser of Salman Khan’s Film to Release with Akshay Kumar’s Sooryavanshi?

This isn't the Dabangg actor's first release on Eid. Before this many of his hits have released on the festival including Dabangg (2010), Ek Tha Tiger (2012), Bajrangi Bhaijaan (2015), and Sultan (2016).The movie will see Salman Khan romancing Disha Patani. The flick also features Randeep Hooda and Jackie Shroff. 'Radhe: Salman Khan’s Eid 2020 Film, Radhe’s Teaser To Release This Holi?

Yash Raj Films Confirms Salman Khan's Radhe Release Date 

Your Most Wanted Bhai' is co-produced by Salman Khan, Sohail Khan and Atul Agnihotri under the banners Salman Khan Films, Sohail Khan Productions and Reel Life Production.