Priyanka Chopra cannot catch a break. After being the centre of jokes for posting a picture wearing a mask, trolls have found a new subject fill her Twitter timeline with. The actress is currently in Delhi, shooting for her next project, The White Tiger, a Netflix original. Of course, she is going relish on popular Delhi cuisines, which also happened to include a dessert called 'Daulat ki chaat'. Despite the name suggesting so, the dessert is not named because it is made of a 'daulat'. The actress posted a picture of enjoying 'daulat ki chaat', which the restaurant had decorated with FAKE currency notes, which was clearly a pun on the name of the dish. The White Tiger: Priyanka Chopra Wears a Mask and Tells What It Is Like to Shoot For the Netflix Film in Delhi’s Pollution (View Pic).

And there you have it. Fodder for trolls. From telling Priyanka to respect the currency to asking her to get off her high horse, the trolls are wildin'. Some people legit thought that Priyanka wasted real money to decorate a dish. A closer look at the currency notes is enough for one to figure out that they are fake. Priyanka Chopra To Be Part of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Baiju Bawra?

Check Out Priyanka Chopra's Post Here:

A simple Google search produces results as proof that decorating 'daulat ki chaat' with the fake daulat is a very popular trend in Delhi.

Daulat ki Chaat (Photo Credits: Screenshot from Google Search)

And now here are just a few troll tweets, to give more context to this story.

Fake Currency, Bro

Well, we hope everyone in the world finds peace one day. For now, plan a trip to Delhi's Chandni Chowk to taste the authentic 'daulat ki chaat'. That would be a better use of time than trolling Bollywood actors on social media.

Check Out Priyanka Chopra Talking About Russo Brothers Project in This Exclusive Interview with LatestLY:

On the professional front, Priyanka has quite a few exciting projects lined up. She was last seen in The Sky Is Pink, which was critically acclaimed. Apart from shooting for The White Tiger, with Rajkummar Rao, the actress has also wrapped up another Netflix movie, We Are Heroes. She is also producing a wedding-comedy with Mindy Kaling for Netflix. There is also a super-secret Russo Brothers project that is under development.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 06, 2019 03:30 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website