Priyanka Chopra has been away from the big screen in Indian cinema for a long time now. The actress was last seen in Jai Gangaajal, which did not go down well with the critics and the audience. But, thankfully, she did Sanjay Leela Bhansali's magnum opus, Bajirao Mastani, before that, and gave a stellar memorable performance. The actress is ending her Bollywood hiatus with Shonali Bose's The Sky Is Pink. The family drama is set to have its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 13, 2019. Priyanka, for one, is very excited. In fact, she updated her fans that she is already on her way to Toronto 6 days in advance. That has got to be one hectic promotional spree. Priyanka Chopra Is Loving Her Dual Role of an Actor-Producer in The Sky Is Pink.

Priyanka took to her Instagram page and shared the news with a picture from the movie. She wrote, "On my way to @tiff_net today. Can't wait for the rest of the team to join me for the premiere on the 13th. So excited for the amazing early reviews & to share this with the world! #TheSkyIsPink." The Sky Is Pink: Here's the Poignant Reason Why Priyanka Chopra's Film Is Titled So.

Check Out Priyanka Chopra's Instagram Post Here:

The Sky Is Pink also stars Farhan Akhtar, Rohit Saraf and Zaira Wasim alongside Priyanka. The actress has also co-produced the film. The movie is based on the life of late motivational speaker Aisha Chaudhary and her family's struggle with her fatal lung disease.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 07, 2019 05:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website