The Bollywood actress has been making her mark in the west as well. Priyanka Chopra very well knows how to keep her fans on toes with her amazing social media posts. No day is boring in the actress' life and her posts are the testimony to that! As lockdown is only getting extended globally, the artists are busy digging up memories and posting them as 'throwback' on social media. Here's one such fun memory shared by the diva from the sets of a magazine shoot. Nick Jonas is Enjoying his Quarantine with Priyanka Chopra, Says 'She's the Best and I am Quite Happy'.

In his short video, we see her dancing on the sets of a shoot for the Tatler Magazine. She is seen in a glam make up with a pompadour hairstyle on. She dances goofily as someone shoots her on the busy set.

In her caption, the former Miss World expressed gratitude. She wrote, "Dancing into the weekend. There is always something to be grateful for. #flashbackfriday #getyourfreakon @missymisdemeanorelliott⁣ #BTS @tatlermagazine #princesspoppyvibes⁣ Make up: @fulviafarolfi⁣ Hair: @petergrayhair." Check out the post below.

PC Dances Her Way Through Weekend!

PeeCee also recently shared a picture of herself as she stepped out of her house after a long duration. She was seen wearing a mask that had newspaper printed design on it. She mentioned how she was out for the first time in two months of quarantine. Well, everyone can probably relate to it since all are currently stuck in the same storm!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 16, 2020 09:10 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website