Priyanka Chopra had been shooting for The Matrix 4 in Germany for the past four weeks. The shooting of the film wrapped up on November 11 amid a controversy, where it was reported that the makers disguised a party as a film scene to get away with it. Priyanka's husband Nick Jonas flew down to Europe and the couple reunited in London after weeks of staying apart. The two celebrated the festival of lights in Diwali together. Hindus across the globe celebrated the festival about Lord Ram's return to home after exile on November 14. Diwali 2020: Riteish Deshmukh Upcycles Mother's Old Saree into Kurta for Kids and It Looks So Fashionable (Watch Video).

Priyanka took to her social media pages to share a picture and wish her fans. Nick also shared the picture on his Instagram page. The actress is wearing a beautiful floral saree, and Nick picked a blazer with bold floral prints on it. They are both holding a diya - an oil lamp lit for the festival - in their hands. We wonder why could not the actress fly back to LA after wrapping up the shoot? COVID-19 restrictions maybe? We Can Be Heroes First Look Out! Priyanka Chopra Looks Fierce as a Baddie, Pedro Pascal Looks Convincing as the Superhero; Movie to Air From January 1, 2021 on Netflix.

Check Out Priyanka Chopra's Diwali Post Here:

These days, Nick is promoting the Netflix film, Dash & Lilly, which he has executively produced. He also has a cameo in the film.

During the lockdown, Nick and Priyanka bounced ideas off each other about their production ventures. Both of them are producing multiple projects for Netflix and Amazon. They will be producing a dance reality show about sangeet ceremony together for Amazon Studios.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 15, 2020 12:06 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website