With Diwali coming to an end, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are back to their work schedules. The duo was spotted last evening as they stepped out to practice for a dance sequence for Brahmastra. The Ayan Mukerji- film brings together the lovebirds for the first time and fans are pretty excited to see their chemistry onscreen. Speaking about last evening, Ranbir was seen wearing a casual checkered blue shirt with denims and Alia looked lovely in a white and blue outfit. Alia Bhatt Bonds Big Time With Boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor's Mother Neetu Singh Kapoor & Fans Know The Reason Why.

Recently, the starlet graced the cover of Vogue India where in the interview with the magazine, she was asked about her dialogue in her film, Dear Zindagi. She has a monologue in the film, “Is there someone like the one? What is this perfect one exactly? Mere liye toh koi perfect hona chahiye na." To this Alia had just the perfect answer. She said, “Yeah, I think I have”. She further added that in love she is an ‘affectionate, beautiful person’. She said, "I have stars and a halo on my head, and I’m walking around with rainbows. I like to keep it simple and sweet." Lovely! Check out their pics from yesterday's outing here-

Ranbir, Alia (Photo Credit: Yogen Shah)
Ranbir, Alia (Photo Credit: Yogen Shah)
Ranbir, Alia (Photo Credit: Yogen Shah)

Before this, Ranbir Kapoor was dating Katrina Kaif, who was Alia's best friend back then. He was also in a stable relationship with Deepika Padukone for almost two years. Alia, on the other hand, was rumoured to be in a relationship with Sidharth Malhotra before RK.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 09, 2018 10:12 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).