A man from Indore has filed a police complaint, alleging his scooter's registration number was illegally used on a motorcycle during the shooting of a film sequence with actors Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan, an official said on Sunday. The official said no FIR has been registered so far and they are conducting an investigation into the complaint. The complainant, Jai Singh Yadav, who is into photo-framing business, said his scooter's registration number was used on a motorcycle during the recent shooting of the upcoming film's sequence here in Madhya Pradesh. Video Of Katrina Kaif Dropping Hubby Vicky Kaushal At The Airport And Giving Him A Warm Hug Wins Netizens’ Hearts (WATCH).
He said pictures of the shooting, in which Kaushal and Khan are seen on the motorcycle, have surfaced on social media. Yadav told reporters that people involved in the film's shooting did not take his permission before the use of his two-wheeler's registration number. “I am afraid that if there is any accident or illegal work pertaining the motorcycle concerned, the legal responsibility may fall on me,” he said. Vicky Kaushal Takes a Dip in the Pool, Shares a Drool-Worthy Picture on Social Media.
Yadav said he has lodged a complaint at the Banganga police station on the alleged illegal use of his vehicle's number and appropriate legal action should be taken against the person responsible for it. Banganga police station in-charge Rajendra Soni said, "We are conducting an investigation into the complaint. No FIR has been registered so far. Appropriate action will be taken after the investigation."
Check Out The Tweet Below:
Vehicle number used in the movie sequence is mine; don't know if the film unit is aware of it...This is illegal, can't use my number plate without permission. I have given a memorandum at the station. Action should be taken in the matter: Complainant Jai Singh Yadav (1.1.22) pic.twitter.com/CkpZBVUndu
— ANI (@ANI) January 1, 2022
Here's Some Pics From Vicky Kaushal's Shoot:
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According to a legal expert, the act of using the registration number of another vehicle with an intention of cheating could attract action under Indian Penal Code Sections 420 (cheating), section 482 (using a false property mark), and other relevant provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act.