Vivek Oberoi's latest film PM Narendra Modi has been going steady at the ticket windows since the very first day it arrived in theatres. The controversial biopic directed by Omung Kumar came out on May 24 and got off to a slow start. However, the film picked up the pace and saw substantial growth in its collection over the first weekend. Modi biopic then continued to fare decently on weekdays and has so far raked in Rs 19.21 crore at the Indian box office which is quite impressive considering the trade experts didn't expect the film to perform this well. PM Narendra Modi Box Office Collection Day 3: Vivek Oberoi's Film Trends Well Over the First Weekend, Collects Rs 11.76 Crore

Not too long ago, film trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to the microblogging site Twitter and revealed the updated figures. He tweeted, "#PMNarendraModi remained steady on weekdays, after decent trending over the weekend... Has another weekend to collect, before #Bharat arrives... Fri 2.88 cr, Sat 3.76 cr, Sun 5.12 cr, Mon 2.41 cr, Tue 2.02 cr, Wed 1.71 cr, Thu 1.31 cr. Total: ₹ 19.21 cr. India biz."

Along with PM Narendra Modi, Arjun Kapoor's action thriller India's Most Wanted also released on May 24 but has failed to get cash registers ringing. has stated, "India's Most Wanted is a disaster as it started very poorly and has practically capitulated by the end of its first week. The first week collections are just 10 crore nett and there will not be much coming post the first week. " India's Most Wanted Box Office Collection Day 5: Arjun Kapoor's Action Thriller Continues to Under Perform at the Ticket Windows

Since Salman Khan's highly anticipated film Bharat is arriving in theatres next Wednesday, it's very much likely that PM Narendra Modi will struggle to stay afloat at the box office. As for Arjun starrer, well, the movie will be out of most cinema halls from next week.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 31, 2019 04:10 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website