As we are approaching near the results of the Lok Sabha elections 2019, the excitement among people to find out who the next Prime Minister will be is high. The exit polls are currently the talking point and in the midst of all this, a new poster and trailer of PM Narendra Modi, the biopic has now been released by the makers. The film which was earlier slated for a release in April was pushed further due to the impending elections and now the film is all set to release a day after the election results, on May 24. Bollywood Celebs on BJP Majority 2019 Elections Exit Poll Predictions: Find Out What Celebs Has to Say.

The film will see different aspects of Modi's life. Actor Vivek Oberoi is seen in the role of Narendra Modi. We also get to see Manoj Joshi as Amit Shah and Boman Irani as Ratan Tata. The film's trailer was released earlier in March too and created a lot of uproar as it left viewers divided about the film's intentions. The earlier trailer showed various phases of Modi's life including the controversial Godhra riots. A new trailer was launched by the makers yesterday but it hasn't been visible on YouTube as yet. Despite the makers posting a link to the trailer again today,  the video is currently unavailable for reasons unknown.

Take a look at the trailer here:

The film has been one of the most hyped projects of the year. Helmed by director Omung Kumar, who has previously directed biopics such as Mary Kom and Sarbjit, the Modi biopic is expected to be the highlight of his career. A new poster of the film has also been launched today, featuring Vivek Oberoi is seen wearing a turban and is seen blowing a 'shankh'(conch shell). The new poster was launched today by actor Vivek Oberoi along with Union Minister Nitin Gadkari. CONFIRMED! PM Narendra Modi Biopic Starring Vivek Oberoi to Release May 24

Take a look at the poster here:

The film has been shot in many locations including Mumbai, Gujarat and Uttrakhand. Directed by Omung Kumar the biopic will now release on May 24. Are you excited to watch PM Narendra Modi in theatres?

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 20, 2019 01:57 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website