PM Narendra Modi Biopic is at the helm of the controversies currently. The film came into the buzz right from the moment, the lead actor was announced to be Vivek Oberoi. This and more such events related to the trailer and the posters of the film have been leaving the fans startled. In a fresh controversy, lyricist Javed Akhtar expressed shock on finding his name in the credits on the poster. Now, lyricist Sameer to has expressed similar emotions after finding his name on the poster as well! Javed Akhtar Is CLUELESS on Being Named As Lyricist in PM Narendra Modi biopic, Trolls Argue He Is Not the Only ‘Javed Akhtar’ in Industry!.
The poster has the names of both these lyricists as the part of this movie. However, Akhtar denied being connected to this film in any manner. He had tweeted, "Am shocked to find my name on the poster of this film. Have not written any songs for it !" However, the fans argued on the social media that he is not the 'only Javed Akhtar' in the industry and there can be another person with the same name.
But now, in the surprising turn of events, even Sameer has expressed his disbelief. He wrote, "Mujhe hairat hai apana naam pm Narendra Modi film me dekh karr , Maine aisi kisi film me koi gaana nahi likha hai .." (I am shocked to see my name in Narendra Modi film, I haven't written any song for any such film.) Check out the tweets below.
Sameer's Tweet
Mujhe hairat hai apana naam pm narendra Modi film me dekh karr , Maine aisi kisi film me koi gaana nahi likha hai ..
— Sameer (@SameerAnjaan) March 22, 2019
Javed Akhtar's Tweet
Am shocked to find my name on the poster of this film. Have not written any songs for it !
— Javed Akhtar (@Javedakhtarjadu) March 22, 2019
PM Narendra Modi Biopic Trailer
We wonder now if fans will once again argue saying 'you are not the only Sameer'! Meanwhile, the flick is also in the buzz owing to its timing. The film is slated to release on April 5 while the elections start from April 11. Over to you, readers!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 23, 2019 11:51 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website