The Producers Guild of India on Saturday have issued a statement to thank state governments of the country for ensuring peaceful release of Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham-starrer Pathaan across the nation, especially after the series of controversies that the film faced ahead of its release on January 25. The statement was shared on the official Instagram account of the Producers Guild of India. Pathaan Box Office Collection Day 3: Shah Rukh Khan’s Film Grosses Rs 313 Crore Worldwide, Becomes the Fastest Hindi Film To Achieve This Feat.

It read: "Producers Guild of India thanks all state governments for ensuring peaceful release of historic blockbuster Pathan across India! Tens of thousands of hard-working people make up the Hindi film industry and the larger content producing fraternity for television and steaming services. The industry generates employment, contributes to the country's economy and is among the most powerful and effective purveyors of India's soft power across the world."

"The Producers Guild of India is deeply grateful to all the state governments for maintaining law and order, and ensuring peaceful release of the historic blockbuster Pathan across India!" the statement further read. "Your efforts in safeguarding the sanctity of cinema so that it can entertain India and Indians has boosted the confidence of the Indian film industry. The industry has existed and grown exponentially for over a century and we are among the few countries where homegrown content still dominates." Shah Rukh Khan Talks About His Pathaan's Box Office Success, Calls Salman Khan ‘GOAT’.

"This has been made possible by one thing and one thing alone - the patronage of millions of film lovers across the length and breadth of our great country. Pathan's success is one of hope, one that makes us believe that the power of love can triumph over everything. We share this moment of victory with you all. Thank you for making this happen. Thank you for being enabler of history being scripted in India," the statement concluded.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 28, 2023 08:26 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website