Parineeti Chopra is all set to play the role of Indian badminton player Saina Nehwal in the upcoming biopic, Saina. Directed by Amole Gupte, who has directed the films Sniff, Hawa Hawai and Stanley Ka Dabba, the upcoming flick has been in buzz for all the right reasons. In an interview to a leading tabloid, Amol Gupte has dropped a hint about the release date of Saina, and looks like it is all set to clash with Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt starrer Brahmastra.
Pictures of Parineeti Chopra attending badminton training sessions have been all over the internet and fans are waiting to watch her portray the role of Saina Nehwal on the big screens. After months-long prep, the shooting of Saina is all set to start from October 11, confirmed director Amole Gupte to Mirror. He also revealed that the first day shoot will be at the International Institute of Sports Management. Further talking about it he said, “In the first scene, Parineeti as Saina will be answering questions from the fraternity, including journalists, students and sports management people.”
Parineeti Chopra Prepping For Saina
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Getting ready to do such a long rally in ONE TAKE 🎥 😳 #SainaNehwalBiopic #Goals #OneDayAtATime
When Amole Gupte was asked if the release date of Saina is slated for July (the same time when 2020 Olympics is also happening), he was quoted saying as, “I make films for a family audience and for that I need children to be free, be it the summer or Diwali vacation. While we have not locked a date, I’m focused to deliver the film by summer next year.” Although the release date of Saina is not locked, if it is released during Summer 2020, let’s not forget even Ayan Mukerji has planned to release his film Brahmastra around that period.
Brahmastra Release Date
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Brahmastra was earlier scheduled to be released during the season of Christmas this year. But on April 27 Ayan Mukerji shared a post on Instagram and confirmed that the ‘release date (of Brahamastra) is slated for Summer 2020. Although the exact date is yet to be announced, we wonder what will happen if Saina is all set for Summer 2020? Stay tuned for further updates!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 07, 2019 12:23 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website