Actor Jitendra Kumar went bald as his "self haircut" went wrong and he shared a picture of his "quarantine look" on social media. Jitendra, who has starred in "Shubh Mangal Zyaada Saavdhan" and "Panchayat", took to Instagram, where he shared a picture of himself flaunting his bald look. "When self hair-cut goes wrong #quarantinelook #newlook," Jitendra captioned the image. Chaman Bahaar Movie Review: Jitendra Kumar Impresses In This Engaging Rural Comedy About Peacocking.

The actor was recently seen in the digital film "Chaman Bahaar". The film is about a young 'paan' shop owner's bittersweet crush for a teenage girl in a small town setting. It also stars "Chaman Bahaar" Ritika Badiani, Bhuvan Arora and Alam Khan. Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan Actor Jitendra Kumar Believes Being Confident About Acting is Self-Destructive.

Check Out Jitendra Kumar’s Instagram Post Below


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When self hair-cut goes wrong🙃 #quarantinelook #newlook

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Jitendra in June told IANS that the second season of his web-series "Panchayat" is "underway". "Actually, the lockdown started soon after we finished the first season, and things came to a halt. Writing and story lineup for the second season is already underway. Official planning will be done after the lockdown is lifted. But yes, it's on," Jitendra said.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 05, 2020 01:18 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website