Actor Abhishek Banerjee turned a year older on Wednesday and he decided to celebrate his special day with a spot of charity. He pledged to donate for the cause of healthcare and Covid relief. "We are going through difficult times and we are all in this together. Today, on my birthday I pledge to donate to Swasth, a not-for-profit initiative and ACT Grants which is focussing on healthcare and Covid-relief. Current focus is towards oxygen availability. Armaan Malik Gets Trolled for Asking Fans to Avoid Using ‘Corona’ and ‘Covid’ in their Conversations; Deletes Tweet Later.

They are procuring Oxygen concentrators and deploying it in hospitals pan-India. And I request you to come forward and support with whatever amount you feel comfortable and please share it in your network. Together we can save lives and bring much needed relief to thousands of Indian families," he said in a message he uploaded on Instagram, bearing his signature. Sonu Nigam Donates Blood, Urges Youth to Do the Same to Avoid Shortage Amid the Second Wave of COVID-19 (Watch Video).

He captioned the note as: "Please come forward and donate whatever you guys can & if you can't forward it to those who can. Scan the QR code or click the link in bio @actgrants #IndiaFightsCorona #oxygen #donate." Meanwhile, the actor, who is in his hometown of Kharagpur, West Bengal, , says that he has a family celebration planned.

"It's not a usual birthday. Last year, I was stuck at home and couldn't move out. But last year, the 'Paatal Lok' trailer also released on my birthday so that was like a birthday gift. This year, fortunately, I am at my family home and so I have some kind of company. I am trying to help whoever I can in this difficult time. I met some of my school friends and we are trying to start an information campaign," he told IANS.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 05, 2021 09:08 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website